Dear reader, 

I have been tossing and turning, for weeks now, on how this blog should begin. Shall I get straight to the crux, or can I extend my dialogue as I wish? Does it have to have an exact amount of words? Or more importantly, am I going to do it right? A lot of questions have been made, and I have non-exact answers for them.

Therefore, I've decided to cut the cheese and introduce myself. So, let me start again.

Dear reader,

My name is Núria. I’m a student from University of Girona (UdG), cursing, at the moment, the first year of the double degree needed to become a pre escolar and primary school teacher. In this second semester, I started new subjects, being one of them, Societat, Família i Escoles: Tecnologies (Society, Family, and Schools: Technologies). The professor of this subject asked each and every student to create a personal blog, where we could talk, discuss and show what we do in our classes. So, this is what I’ll try to do here: talk about the different sessions we do during this semester, while also talk about some topics related to the subject. 

The first class we attended was back on the 5th of February. Before any of you readers asks: yeah, I know, it was almost ages ago. But that doesn’t matter now, I have notes from almost every day of class, and I can remember the majority of the details vividly. So, let’s start!

The first thing I want to point out is that I was really looking forward to starting this subject. Although the two years before I course the batxillerat científic (equivalent to year 12 and 13 in the UK, or year 11 and 12 in the USA, and specializing in science), I’ve always liked technology and interacting with it. In fact, I had been participating in robotics competitions since I was 8 years old. I had to stop this extracurricular activity in the middle of my last year of high school, due to the difficulties of keeping up with my studies. Since then, I really missed interacting with technology and robotics. So when I found out that we were doing a subject that relates both, technology and education, I bounced off the walls.

Furthermore, I think it’s necessary to comment that, in this degree, in the second year, we start making optional subjects, which we use in order to “specialize” in one field of education. At the end of the last year, you get a mention in the field. Some examples of mentions are: music, english, science, technology… And although I’m not a hundred percent sure of which I'll finally choose, the technology one is, without any doubt, in my latest list of options.

Returning to the main topic, in the first class, our professor explained to us what we were going to do in this subject. Not only did he give us a program of all the classes, but also talked about other projects, which we may discuss in this blog in some other posts. One of the important things that he mentioned was that in this subject we were going to have some Erasmus students, who were from other countries (Germany, the Netherlands…). This was the reason our lessons are held in english, so everyone in the classroom could understand the information. Personally, I really like that we share the subject with students from other countries, due to the fact that I have the opportunity to meet other students, while also practising my english.

To sum it up, I feel that the first class was an interesting and informative one. It set my hopes high, which remains in the same place, because so far, this subject hasn’t disappointed me. I’m really excited to share this experience with you, readers. 

See you soon,




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