
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: de març 26, 2024


Dear reader,  I have been tossing and turning, for weeks now, on how this blog should begin. Shall I get straight to the crux, or can I extend my dialogue as I wish? Does it have to have an exact amount of words? Or more importantly, am I going to do it right? A lot of questions have been made, and I have non-exact answers for them. Therefore, I've decided to cut the cheese and introduce myself. So, let me start again. Dear reader, My name is Núria. I’m a student from University of Girona (UdG), cursing, at the moment, the first year of the double degree needed to become a pre escolar and primary school teacher. In this second semester, I started new subjects, being one of them, Societat, Família i Escoles: Tecnologies (Society, Family, and Schools: Technologies). The professor of this subject asked each and every student to create a personal blog, where we could talk, discuss and show what we do in our classes. So, this is what I’ll try to do here: talk about the different se