
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: de maig 23, 2024


Dear reader,  Today I want to talk about the special secession we had back on March 8th, the International Women’s Day. During that day, the University of Girona (UdG) scheduled some open classes related whose topic was somehow related to women. Our professor of SFE: Technologies , Eduard Muntaner, conducted one of those special lectures, while talking about Ada Lovelace. This session really appealed to me, that’s why I would like to dedicate this entry to her and her story.  In this noteworthy session called Ada Lovelace’s Dream , a little bit of her story and her life was told. Ada Lovelace is nowadays considered the first programmer in history; she was a mathematician and a writer. Lovelace was born in England back in 1815 and was the daughter of Lord Byron and Anne Isabella Milbanke; a famous poet and a social activist and mathematician, respectively. She is also commonly known for her contributions to the theoretical principles of computing. In June 1833, Ada Lovelace met Charles