

Dear reader, We have arrived to the end of this subject's classes, and with that, to the final chapter of this blog. In the past few moths, time has been running out of my hands, and, in a blink of an eye, I am about to finish my first year of collage. I am well aware that it has been only five entries, however, you should know that I have put a lot of effort in each one of the entrances, trying to make the message as understandable as possible. Returning to the main point, I wanted this last entry to talk about Scratch, a visual programming language that we used in one of our last projects. In it, we had to do a Scratch project using a character created with an AI and a painting of the MNAC, the National Art Museum of Catalonia ( Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya ). When I first heard about this project, I was, not only delighted, but also nervous. The reason behind these emotions is that when I was younger, I used to work with Scratch in my robotics classes, and if I’m being hone


Dear reader,  I have been wanting to talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) for a while now, but I have never found the right moment to do so, at least, not until now. That’s why, while we are arriving to the end of this subject, I would like to take a moment and share my humble opinion on this thought-provoking topic, that seems to be, nowadays, in everybody’s mind. In the past few decades, technology has developed exponentially in many unimaginable way. Its growth has effected, directly or indirectly, almost every aspect of our current society, transforming not only the way we communicate with each other, but also how we see the world that surround us. As always, where big change goes, controversy comes with it, and this situation hasn’t been the exception. First was the Facebook privacy problems back in 2010, then the rise of death causes by selfies in 2016, and now is Artificial Intelligence’s turn. Although the term of AI has been in use for many years, back then, it was commonly


Dear reader,  Today I want to talk about the special secession we had back on March 8th, the International Women’s Day. During that day, the University of Girona (UdG) scheduled some open classes related whose topic was somehow related to women. Our professor of SFE: Technologies , Eduard Muntaner, conducted one of those special lectures, while talking about Ada Lovelace. This session really appealed to me, that’s why I would like to dedicate this entry to her and her story.  In this noteworthy session called Ada Lovelace’s Dream , a little bit of her story and her life was told. Ada Lovelace is nowadays considered the first programmer in history; she was a mathematician and a writer. Lovelace was born in England back in 1815 and was the daughter of Lord Byron and Anne Isabella Milbanke; a famous poet and a social activist and mathematician, respectively. She is also commonly known for her contributions to the theoretical principles of computing. In June 1833, Ada Lovelace met Charles


Dear reader,  Today I want to talk about our first two group projects on the subject. But before we dive into this topic, I would like to clear some black holes in the narrative, in addition to talking a little bit about the team I’m a part of.  Firstly , I would like to explain some information I forgot to mention in the first entry, and it is that, in this subject, we have class twice in a week. Every session is about 80 minutes long; and although on Monday’s lessons we are divided in two classes, on Tuesday, we have class with the main group. If this detail is clear, I would like to put the lights onto the next point: the group. Since the first class, we were told that we will have to work in groups of four for all the semester. I first teamed up with a new friend of mine, that I met in this degree, with whom I get very along with. Together, we agreed that It would be a wonderful experience to complete our team with some Erasmus students, due to the fact that we both thought that c


Dear reader,  I have been tossing and turning, for weeks now, on how this blog should begin. Shall I get straight to the crux, or can I extend my dialogue as I wish? Does it have to have an exact amount of words? Or more importantly, am I going to do it right? A lot of questions have been made, and I have non-exact answers for them. Therefore, I've decided to cut the cheese and introduce myself. So, let me start again. Dear reader, My name is Núria. I’m a student from University of Girona (UdG), cursing, at the moment, the first year of the double degree needed to become a pre escolar and primary school teacher. In this second semester, I started new subjects, being one of them, Societat, Família i Escoles: Tecnologies (Society, Family, and Schools: Technologies). The professor of this subject asked each and every student to create a personal blog, where we could talk, discuss and show what we do in our classes. So, this is what I’ll try to do here: talk about the different se